Lèlior's Blog

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The Best Scents for Mindfulness and Meditation

Through this blog you will find ways to incorporate scent into your meditation practices. When practicing mindfulness, it is essential to create a space that is calm and reaffirming. Explore...

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Essential Oils vs. Fragrance Oils: Which is Better for Diffusers?

In this blog, we talk about the difference between essential oils and fragrance oils. Depending on your preference, there is a perfect option for you. Read more about the interactions...

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A Guide to Spring Aromatherapy with Lèlior Oils

Spring is a time of renewal and rejuvenation, where Mother Nature bursts forth with vibrant colors and fragrant blooms. It's the perfect season to awaken your senses and invigorate your...

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How to Use Essential Oils as an Air Freshener

In our quest for a fresh and inviting environment, many of us turn to commercial air fresheners loaded with synthetic fragrances and chemicals. However, there's a natural and effective alternative...

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Choosing the Right Essential Oils for Your Lèlior Diffuser: A Beginner's Guide

Are you ready to elevate your relaxation and wellness routine with the perfect essential oil blend for your diffuser? Look no further! In this beginner's guide, we'll explore the fabulous aromatherapy oils...

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Amazing Facts About Our Sense of Smell

The Nose Knows When you really think about it, you may realize how incredible your nose is. Of course, it’s responsible for our sense of smell, but that means so...

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Scents to Help Calm Your Baby

Little babies are so adorable, cute and cuddly, and fun to play with - especially when they’re not yours. But if they’re yours… oh, boy. Little babies are a lot...

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Los poderes curativos del aceite de eucalipto

¡Las fragancias también pueden curar! En el mundo actual, somos bombardeados con productos químicos y toxinas desde todos los ángulos; desde los alimentos que comemos hasta el aire que respiramos,...

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Expresando amor a través de las notas de fragancia de Lèlior

Mientras nos deslizamos de la mano hacia el glamuroso reino de febrero, disfrutemos del esplendor que las notas de fragancia aportan a los aceites de Lèlior. Desde los delicados susurros...

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Perfuma tu camino hacia una buena noche de sueño

Buenas noches, duerme perfumadamente bien Pocas cosas en la vida son más placenteras que un sueño profundo, reparador y rejuvenecedor. Sin embargo, parece que cuanto más envejecemos, más difícil de...

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La guía ÚLTIMA de aromaterapia

¿Qué es la aromaterapia? La aromaterapia se define como el uso de aceites esenciales de plantas para lograr beneficios terapéuticos. En los últimos años, la aromaterapia ha ido ganando popularidad...

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